posted 10-26-2012 02:43 PM
I understand that optometrists routinely will repeat a lens with the same strength level several times asking the patient “is this one better or that one?” even though the patient has evaluated the strength previously. It’s to insure they get the best result and the right glasses or contacts.
I'm told that hearing tests involve asking the examinee to press the button when they hear a sound and then not playing a sound at some points to insure the patient is not faking or pressing the button routinely with and without sound.I had a teacher who would test us on books we were supposed to have read and then one or two of the questions on the test would ask for our opinion of the actions of a character that wasn’t even in the book to see if we really read the book.
I just can’t get too wired up about getting an examinee to say "no" to a question that he would probably answer "yes" to if he were being totally truthful when the purpose of that subterfuge is to help the examinee pass the test and be cleared of an allegation.
Medical researchers routinely give placebos to control groups and others in research when the actual drug may be medically effective for that person and the placebo is certainly not. Sure they might get the drug at some point but they are surely being deceived while receiving the placebo.
I see nothing sinister about deceiving an examinee to help them succeed in proving their innocence. I see a lot wrong with the open book method that might result in an examinee failing a test or the test being deemed inconclusive to assuage the examiner's sense of right and wrong or personal misgivings.
If one is truly disturbed by the probable lie comparison test then why not use questions such as
“Would you steal something valuable if you absolutely knew you wouldn’t be caught?”
“Would you cheat on your significant other if you were convinced they would never find out?”
“Would you tell the whole truth about an indecretion to a loved if you knew that they would lose trust in you as a result?”